A history-oriented database collection; covers 1500 to now. Some general ethnic and immigration information. From main page, choose "search all databases" and enter the name of the specific Asian American group in the search box.
This link takes you to the login page of EBSCO databases - once logged in, choose "Explora Secondary Schools" and then do a search on the ethnic group of interest (i.e., "Asian Americans"). Large collection of articles, books, journals, etc. You may want to limit your search by source or by date range.
EBSCO History Reference Center
Log into EBSCO databases. Once on their home page, click on the link for "History Reference Center". When you arrive in that database, search on your topic.
The databases above are the most useful for this specific project. For our other databases, visit the library online databases. Need passwords? Email the library.
Websites of digital collections featuring Asian American ethnicities.
These are just a few of the many books on immigration and ethnicity that are available in the library.