Africa - CultureGrams
Asia - CultureGrams
Europe - CultureGrams
North America - CultureGrams
Oceania - CultureGrams
South America - CultureGrams
Research a modern-day country and its major current unresolved issue. Your research will be presented on a google site.
Google Site Example for this research project
Details to Assignment - Ms. Wentner's class
Details to Assignment - Ms. Yfantis's class
In-text Citations OWL at Purdue
For database passwords please see Ms. Walfoort or email her.
Start with these databases:
New York Times
On campus: you will be able to access it completely without any problems.
NOTE for Off Campus: you need to be using your school email account AND SIGN IN with that address. Then you should be able to access the New York Times completely. If that doesn't work, click here.
Cite your sources!
NoodleTools login webpage - Click on Google on the right side. Type in your school gmail account ( and school password.