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Contemporary Global Issues: Home

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United Nations Flag

Flags of the World

United Nations Building

Inside of the United Nations 


The United Nations has assigned you to investigate a contemporary global problem. Choose the issue you would like to study and research to find a country currently dealing with that issue. Create a product to present to the class.

Project instructions:

1. Form groups of 1-4 people.

2. With your group, you will research a contemporary global issue in one of these regions:

  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Asia
  • Latin America

In one of these four categories (Some countries are suggested for you):

  • Changes in world population (Democratic Republic of Congo, China, Japan, Syria)
  • Managing natural resources (India, Kenya, Brazil)
  • Patterns of global economic interaction (China, Mexico, Rwanda)
  • Conflict, cooperation and security (Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, Palestine)


For database passwords please see Ms. Walfoort or email her.

Start with these databases:


SIRS Knowledge Source

CQ Researcher

Gale eBooks




Start with these websites:

UN Global Issues Image result for un logo

CIA Factbook Image result for cia logo

Las Lomas Library Catalog

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The United Nations Is Created