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South Africa, Imperialism, the Boer War & Apartheid: Main Guide

Resource guide for "Born a Crime" and other literature about Apartheid


The databases below are the most useful for this specific project. For our other databases, visit the library online databases. Remember - You'll need to login first to get to the articles. Need passwords? Email the library.

IMPORTANT: When citing any item from a database: look for a complete citation at the bottom of the article (and copy it) OR click the "CITE" button and copy the complete MLA 8th edition citation that is given. Then go to Noodletools, choose "New Source", choose database, and then paste the complete citation in to the "Quick Cite" section.


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USEFUL NONFICTION HISTORICAL WEBSITES: Apartheid & Imperialism in South Africa

Imperialism & the Boer War


USEFUL WEBSITES: Apartheid & Post-Apartheid Literature


Citation for "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses":

Head, Bessie. "'The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses.'" The Collector of Treasures, PDF ed., Cambridge [England], ProQuest, 2005.


Citation for "We and They":

Kipling, Rudyard. "We and They." 1926. Debits & Credits, House of Stratus, 2009.


Citation for "A Gathering of Bald Men":

Langa, Mandla. "A Gathering of Bald Men." 1996. Under African Skies: Modern African Stories, edited by Charles R. Larson, PDF ed., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1998.


Citation for "I'm Not Talking about That, Now":

Magona, Sindiwe. "I'm Not Talking about That, Now." 1996. Under African Skies: Modern African Stories, edited by Charles R. Larson, PDF ed., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1998.


Citation for "Afrika Road":

Mattera, Don. "Afrika Road." 1991. Under African Skies: Modern African Stories, edited by Charles R. Larson, PDF ed., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1998.


Citation for "Mrs. Plum":

Mphahlele, Es'kia. "Mrs. Plum." 1967. Under African Skies: Modern African Stories, edited by Charles R. Larson, PDF ed., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1998.


Citation for "Telephone Conversation":

Soyinka, Wole. "Telephone Conversation." 1962. Modern Poetry from Africa, edited by Gerald Moore, PDF ed., London, Forgotten Books, 2017.


Citation for "Sun City":

Van Zandt, Steven. "Sun City." Sun City, performance by Artists United Against Apartheid, 1985.  


Citation for "In Detention":

Van Wyk, Chris. "In Detention." 1979. It's Time to Go Home, PDF ed., South Africa, Ad Donker, 1979.


Citation for "White Man's Burden":

"The White Man's Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands."  Rudyard Kipling's Verse: Definitive Edition, Doubleday, 1929. Originally published in McClure's Magazine, Feb. 1899.

Citation for the cartoon "Colonial Powers" from the Garsha Ex Post Facto article (page 144):

Heine, Thomas. "Colonial Powers." Simplicissimus, 3 May 1904. Department of History: Ex Post Facto Journal of the History Students at San Francisco State University, Accessed 10 Dec. 2019. Cartoon.

Citation for the entire Garsha article:

Garsha, Jeremiah. "Satire and Genocide: Simplicissimus' Anticolonial Protest and German Intellectual Colonization." Ex Post Facto, vol. XX, 2011, pp. 131-47.


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