Offers an online platform where users can interact with maps of Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages.
A - Z list of tribes with basic information on each.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Directory includes links to official tribe websites.
Online exhibitions and resources with lots of primary sources materials.
Access to online collections of Native American Arts and artifacts from museums around the country.
Primary sources from UC library collections.
An American Indian and Alaska Native organization that serves as a forum for unified policy development among tribal governments.
Collection of images that portray Native Americans, their homes and activities that have been selected from pictorial records deposited in the National Archives by 15 Government agencies, principally the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of American Ethnology, and the United States Army.
This Web portal is a collaborative project of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
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See the Research Topic Guide on Native Americans in the eLibrary for the list of tribes and related information.
Contains Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch and Alt-PressWatch which provides users with critical viewpoints and content often left out of mainstream sources.Browse the "Native American Policy" Topic category. Search for individual tribe names. Can find information on both historical and contemporary issues.
Search by tribal name - information on history, religion, mythology and folklore.
Search by tribal name - sometimes you need to try multiple variations.
The following links take you to ABC-CLIO databases with useful information pertaining to tribes in the Western United States. If a link doesn't take you directly to the article and, instead, takes you to the login page of the database, login using he user name and password for our databases to gain access. If you can't remember the user name and password, ask a classmate or email the library.