Students - sign in with google and create a project for this assignment
See THIS TUTORIAL for help with NoodleTools, if you need it - Thanks, Ms. McFerrin!
DATABASES-some are password protected-email
Gale in Context: Biography-Use for Source One
Covers a vast array of people from significant figures to present-day newsmakers, alongside various articles, videos, podcasts, and images
Bloom's Literature - Use for Source Two
A comprehensive resource for the study of literature. Edited and curated by Yale University professor Harold Bloom, this database includes thousands of critical essays; author biographies, interviews, and profiles; character analyses
Gale Literature Resource Center -Use for Source Two or Three
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
Britannica-Use for General Informaition
Complete encyclopedia includes primary sources and biographies
Cite your book of poetry-Use for Source Four - use the ISBN# to cite - Ms. Moore will show you how!
The goal of this assignment is to:
1. Learn about a new poet and the type of poetry they write
2. Make a citation for each source in NoodleTools and import into your document
3. Practice using a formal, research driven tone when writing
Try these websites for useful information in connection to FORM, STYLE and CONTENT.
Creating an Annotated Bibliography using NoodleTools
Click into each source in your project and scroll down to the annotation box. Write the paragraph below for EACH SOURCE and save it. When you are finished, export all sources to google docs.
See THIS TUTORIAL for help - Thanks, Ms. McFerrin!
LINK to Annotated Bibliography Handout-Lenet