The databases below are the most useful for this specific project. For our other databases, visit the library online databases. Remember - You'll need to login first to get to the articles. Need passwords? Email the library.
Choose the database "World at War". Search using the specific battle name (for example: "D-Day"). You will want results that indicate the item is a reference article.
Click on the following links to access articles in ABC-CLIO for iinformation on each battle :
1. D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
2. Battle of Britain ("The Blitz")
3. Dunkirk (& 1940 campaign for France)
4. Stalingrad
5. Midway
6. Pearl Harbor
7. Leyte Gulf
Soldiers rush the beaches during the Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) in France, June 1944. [National Archives and Records Administration]