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LLHS Library: MLA Citations / Formatting

Welcome Knights!

Academic Integrity

Do the Knight Thing!

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. Always cite your sources correctly to acknowledge from where you retrieved the information. This is important to do in both the print world and the digital world as well as in your academics and personal life. 

NoodleTools Research & Citation Program

NoodleTools is a research and citation platform that allows students to organize their sources, note cards and references all in one place. Along with creating accurate citations and works cited pages, it can also help you organize your thoughts and sources, create useful note cards and in-depth outlines. Everyone at AUHSD can have their own NoodleTools account through our school Google account, allowing for easy retrieval, the ability to save and access projects and bibliographies over time, and privacy. Create your account today! If you already have an account, go to NoodleTools and click on the "Log in" button at the top right of the page.

How to sign into NoodleTools for the first time:

1) Go to the NoodleTools login webpage

2) Click on Google.  Now type in your school gmail account (


3) After signing in to your Google account a new window will appear. Click on "create a new account", click on "I am a student or library patron"

4) At the next screen, choose your school and year of graduation. You are now in your own NoodleTools account and can choose "New Project" to create your first project in NoodleTools.


MLA Formatting