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LLHS Library: Research Tips

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ProQuest Research Companion
   This database provides structure to the research process for teachers and students. It is created to help researchers find, evaluate, and use information more effectively

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Research Help

The Research Process

ARC - Acalanes Research Course

ARC is the Acalanes Research Course, an online tutorial for the four high schools in the Acalanes High School District, was designed by the librarians in the district and modeled on a course used at Contra Costa College. This course is a series of modules that cover the entire research process from developing a research question, to using the library catalog and subscription databases, evaluating websites for their usefulness and accuracy, and finalizing the organization and citations of the final product.

Teachers: please speak with your school librarian if you'd like to embed this course into your curriculum. It can be done entirely online, whether in class or assigned for homework. Each module takes about 20 minutes to work through and is followed at the end by a multiple-choice quiz.

ARC - Acalanes Research Course         *See or email your librarian for the password.