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LLHS Library: Digital Citizenship including Academic Integrity

Welcome Knights!

Digital Citizenship Overview

Do the Knight Thing!

Digital Citizenship means to demonstrate and practice thoughtful, responsible, safe, and legal use of technology. The 4 main components of digital citizenship are:

  • Online Presence
  • Cyberbullying
  • Safety & Privacy
  • Digital Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity: In a Nutshell

  • Do NOT cheat or copy
  • Do NOT plagiarize; cite ALL sources
  • Do NOT collaborate, unless your assignment clearly states to do so

If collaboration is permitted, follow your teacher's guidelines exactly

  • Do NOT publish/post any student, teacher, or school materials without authorization

What IS Digital Citizenship?

Academic Integrity: What is Plagiarism in the Digital Age?

Academic Integrity: Plagiarism