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LLHS Library: English

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Audio Books, eBooks, and other Resources

Below is a list of titles with links to free versions of Audio Books and eBooks, available for use on the computer or to download to a device.

​Internet Archive -  free eBooks, audiobooks, movies, software, music, and websites.  EBooks can be downloaded to a Mac or Windows PC, but Chromebook users will have to read online. Directions for Creating an Internet Archive Account and How to Access eBooks

Libby - is an app for your phone to access 1000's of eBooks and audiobooks.  You will need a local public library card to use it.

How and Why We Read

From Author John Green's Crash Course in English Literature

Other videos in this series cover Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, The Odyssey, Hamlet, Frankenstein, Things Fall Apart, To Kill a Mockingbird, Slaughterhouse-Five, Jane Eyre, Beloved and the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath and Langston Hughes.  

The Knight Writer

The Knight Writer, produced by LLHS English teachers, is designed to help students with all types and genres of writing.

The Knight Writer